Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 15 Issue 02

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Volume 15, No. 2
Pages 100 - 101


BOOK REVIEW • Ocean, Ice, and Atmosphere: Interactions at the Antarctic Continental Margin

By Tom Curtin 
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This volume is the seventy fifth in the Antarctic Research Series published since 1963 by the American Geophysical Union. This volume is a 380-page collection of twenty peer-reviewed papers focused mostly on currents and water masses on the continental margin around Antarctica. The Antarctic shelf is unique in its extent and impact on the global ocean. Relatively deep, typically 400 meters, this shelf has a sill at the shelf break in many places. Seaward, the continental slope averages three to six degrees down to abyssal depths at four to five kilometers. In most places, the bathymetry is unresolved at less than ten kilometer scales. Smaller scale features such as submarine canyons are in evidence and of likely import to offshelf transport. The volume includes a composite 1:3,000,000-scale bathymetric chart of the entire southern Weddell Sea synthesized from a number of different data sources by Hinze and Hoppman. Six 1:1,00,000-scale component charts are included in the GEBCO Digital Atlas. Depth accuracies range from 50 to 200 meters.


Curtin, T. 2002. Review of Ocean, Ice, and Atmosphere: Interactions at the Antarctic Continental Margin, edited by S.S. Jacobs and R.F. Weiss. Oceanography 15(2):100–101, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2002.29.

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