Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 04 Issue 02

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Volume 04, No. 2
Pages 93 - 93


SOCIETY SOUNDINGS • What Do You Want From Us? Results of The Oceanography Society Member Survey

By Constance A. Sancetta  
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In early 1991 we sent a mailing to all members asking your guidance on future directions for the society. About 25% responded (473 of roughly 2000 members), which is unusually high for this kind of survey. Out of 18 possible activities, the highest priorities given were to “Provide representation to governments and international bodies of consensus viewpoints” (267 votes), “Publish a monthly newsletter” (229), “Issue public statements on ocean science issues” (205), and “Maintain an international directory of professionals” (204). Many people suggested that the newsletter be combined with a calendar. There was some concern as to how one arrives at a consensus viewpoint. Strong runners-up were educational activities such as student attendance at meetings (185) and high school outreach (161).


Sancetta, C.A. 1991. What do you want from us? Results of The Oceanography Society member survey. Oceanography 4(2):93, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.1991.11.

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